Justin Zhu

Senior Vice President of Finance

Mr. Zhu served as Senior Vice President of Finance and has been with Bit Digital since July 2021. He has been instrumental in building the finance and accounting functions to support the company’s growth, successfully establishing an experienced team, and implementing crucial processes, reporting tools, and internal controls. Notably, he enhanced internal controls and introduced a cloud-based ERP system to streamline operations internationally. Currently, he oversees all financial operations, including SEC reporting, technical accounting, and SOX compliance. He regularly engages with the audit committee, providing updates on financial reporting and internal control matters. Prior to Bit Digital, he was a Senior Manager at Ernst & Young US LLP (2015-2021) and started his career at PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP (2012-2015), focusing on public company audits. Mr. Zhu holds a Bachelor of Business (Honors) in Accountancy and a Master of Science in Accounting from Baruch College. He is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA).

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